Saturday, November 23, 2013

The path runs right through here and how about us the real guardians of the road?

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This morning as I limped in to the Wolf’s Lair, and sat down on my bamboo couch, with my knee in agony from falling on a toew run, I started watching TV, which I’m loving a bit more. Back on free TV and the offerings are as good if not better than cable. Seems we pay a lot for cable but little quality programing in return.

At 17:00 caught a quick report from KTVB 7’s Stephanie Zepelin, who was talking of meth trafficking through Idaho. and how meth use in Idaho is destroying lives and communities. I agree. They showed a map, obtained from the Idaho Federal Attorneys office. That has the routes really off center. The true vectors of meth traffic goes from Salt Lake City to Boise through Burley through Twin Falls to Boise. From Boise over through Arco to Idaho Falls. How do I know this? Because I recover many vehicles involved in these arrests, and know of both origin and destination.

Areas like Twin Falls , did not get their nick names of Tweaker Flatts, and Rupert didn’t get its name of Tweaker Ville for nothing. Major Meth and cocaine distribution points abound. Minidoka County Sheriffs office who is in bed with many meth dealers shut up and ignore such things, likewise Cassia County’s sheriffs office also turns a blind eye.

Twin Falls is one of the delivery the major delivery points in all of Idaho as well as western Idaho and northern Nevada. Much of the product gets made here in Twin, and stored here by the brick, then transported to Jackpot and onto Wells for delivery to northern California and southern Oregon.

But Stephanie’s report was good, just needed to go a bunch farther.

Okay its that time of the year. We had several heavy duty toews over the last three days, then were on hand as back up for a canyon rescue here in Twin Falls. Guess a few youth were trying to do a cliff climb, slipped and fell. Twin Falls County Sheriffs office deputies and SAR repelled down the face of the canyon to rescue the trapped youth on a island, near the cliffs.

At first there was thought of using boats in an attempt to walk on the ice, but by the this time much of the solid ice had been softened to the slush point.

I watched the series on TV called Highway through Hell, on the WX Channel. It’s a good one, but lets look at what we in the business do here in Idaho. I’d find it interesting to see a reporter(hint here Steph) to ride along for a good day with someone in towing, much would be learned. Maybe enlightening some Idaho’s motorists wizzing by at 70 MPH, inches from us doing our jobs. Yes there are move over laws in Idaho, but few motorists obey them. Most drivers think the move over law only applies to law enforcement or say ambulance or fire trucks. By the time we in towing finish all those are gone leaving us as naked as a baby in nursery school. No protection. Our industry has changed , there are both the prehistoric types of tow drivers in Idaho and area , as well as true professionals that treat our professions seriously. Charge a reasonable price and have to work at all hours in all temperatures. I’d truly love to see one of these news outfits do something on us here. Guess that’s one of the reasons, there is HazzardAyre huh?

Got church in the morning, but in closing, and I’m not just focusing on Stephanie either, Miss Holt from KMVT is also a great reporter. Tragically I don’t see them being here for long. Reporters this good don’t stay long, they get some hours on air, but the meander to larger markets like Salt Lake City and even bigger.

See ya’ll in the PM Sunday.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Nature has given to us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself.
--Lucius Annæus Seneca
Colossians 2:6-7“[Spiritual Fullness in Christ] So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

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