Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What Idaho should learn from its Beehive neighbor


Yesterday I related to the soon to happen cut off of cable TV to the old Wolf’s Lair here. With that said for shyts and howls I looked at the offerings in Utah, from Comcast.

Our local Cable-One can’t even get close to the broadband speeds that Comcast gives for half the price. Imagine, being able to have the same fidelity and horsepower of streaming abilities that its taking for us to try to assemble several networks here in Idaho for. One vendor for the connection, and one vendor to host and support the IPRS. Why is this important even before I move there, or for that matter before the site and all is built? Simple , even if we build the ultimate wynged warrior, rebel gearhead , OTR high gear hauler radio station and site, shouldn’t we make damn sure the horse we plan on having to carry that load has a back strong enough to carry it? We can be producing award winning programming but if there’s drop off’s slow up speeds and all it’ll sound like something that a two year old in pre-skool built. That’s no way to be.

The decision to dump the signals and all in the Twin Falls Idaho area is smart. The station license for it and all are with a broker prepping for sale. Only the two signals we started with will remain owned and operated by us here. KDOH AM 1090 West Point, and KDXC out of Hill City Idaho. The rest will be sold. Our licenses for both Malta and American Falls we’ll hold onto, but the focus of HazzardAyre will be on a internet station and network. Not as much if any over the air . The question I have for Cable-One, is why can’t you give me the same horsepower and all that Comcast gives me at the same prices? But there’s more and while I suppose the symbol, of a industrious beehive is Utah’s strength, and I can remember that even as grand as Utah is, I remember me bitching when I lived there 10 years ago, and I do mean live, not just exist , that I said Utah at least metro Utah had a bunch of folks with their heads in the sand, and stuck up all over. Yet I can also remember when the casting calls went out down there except for two agencies , even individual applicants had no problem coming to a rent controlled place to audition and conduct business. Hell there was even one that flew out here from Kansas to audition. Here in Twin Falls I’m lucky if I get one out of 30 inquiries that first show up, and even fewer that will go through the entire audition process. Hell these gals here can’t even slate much less read copy, to do a demo .

I have been looking and watching these pitches by the Idaho Education lobby, the www.don’tfailidaho.org thing. Idaho is so far behind, its surprising we are farming with track tired tractors, not mules and an old man behind it. There is a solution, and don’t start the crap of it’s the dang Mormon’s , heck , Utah is the HQ of the Mormons. Somewhere along the trip here, Utah pulled its head out of its ass. Idaho could too, if it wanted too. Let’s call it what it is. Many in Idaho want this state in most areas to remain a horse and buggy state rather than a supersonic industrious state. We can be , we need to focus more attention on math and sciences, the arts, including drama and music. Our city and community leaders need to look beyond production agriculture and to industry and technology. This brings in potential companies involved in those areas . Not just those with a hand holding relationship with production agriculture.

Now before someone starts barking like a toy poodle about me bashing agriculture, think again. If it were not for production agriculture AyreWolf Aviation would not fly as much if at all. 70% of our missions are doing air farming. That is chemical application to huge and medium sized fields. I know what I shove in my mouth came from some farmer growing it. So hats off to all farmers and farmers are not stupid. Most are intelligent on many fronts, from animal medical, to being a welder, mechanic, and one with a heart as big as those fields. Yet we also need to look past that for Idaho’s future,.

Moral diversity also needs to happen. Just because something doesn’t mesh with your appetite , does not mean it’s a foul taste for all . Sure motorsports, military aviation, and even southern culture preservation may not be the thing to quench your taste. But there are more than you think that do love those things. Then there is the ultimate paranoia. Just because someone is running a business , not always by choice in their homes, does not mean that there is something sinister going on behind the doors. Just because someone puts a casting call on CraigsList, does not mean that the same person is looking to ravish you. Hell I’d love the club and all to have an outside place for an office and studio. Maybe someday but not with the high prices. Here’s another thing about Utah and Idaho. In Salt Lake City and immediate areas there are office spaces, with even full conference rooms, and a receptionist that comes with having an office there. Thing is many are firmly in the $250.00 area. Thing is Metro Utah has the economic strength to pay more. But Utah has the right idea, give people a break and they will put their companies there. Yet Idaho especially Twin Falls, charges damn near $1,000.00 for something good, and ain’t so damn picky if it is a radio station owned by a MC. Yet Twin Falls does just that. Who wants to come here and be charged more when in Utah you pay less and get more for the dollar. These are the things that I have battled, to the point that , like General Lee and Jackson, there are times you charge ahead, then there are times its better to retreat, and lay down arms. As for me , I give up. My attention beyond the online radio gig, is to do what I need to get LexiBelle and Wolf-Pup battle and road ready, find a place in Utah, get enrolled at Upper Valley Aviation, and get my butt out of here. That’s a 7 to 9 month process, but that’s what I’m looking at. As far as the clubs, both will survive, but be home quartered in Utah , not Idaho.

About Miss Hazzard County and Miss AyreWolf for next year.

Next time here in the Hazzard County Journal.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Every successful enterprise requires three men - a dreamer, a businessman, and a son of a bitch.
--Peter McArthur
Psalm 1:1-2“[BOOK I Psalms 1–41] Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


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