Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Snow means Toew


With snow hitting the rocker panels and it being cold best place for this old wolf if not going toewing is here in the lair, staying warm.

So wouldn’t ya’ll know it, just before my coffee date with Nurse GoodBody got a call to go snake a rig out of the comedian at the Elmore Gooding line. Got back from that way too late to salvage a coffee date.

Haven’t heard from Britt, but I have a strange feeling we wont. My only problem is what do I do about the car, I’m out $400.00 . That could have paid the rent at a new place in Utah.

This is why in today’s societal environment, man is best to live and reside alone. Do not interact with female in anyway. Don’t mean go queer, but only get involved with female when needed. Not any more than needed.

Used to be said if it has wheels or teats us male corpuscles will have trouble with it. Thing is the wheels we love, women, these days, not so much.

Now dig this the NOAA, issues a Weather Warning, which nearly causes a EAU alert. Thing is its now getting sunny outside. Now the alert must be for something coming or they done fell asleep at the switch again. Which don’t surprise me none. NOAA is a tax driven op, that I do not support in paying no taxes. In fact ain’t paid taxes in 30 years. And I don’t plan on it. Last taxes I paid was in 1998 and our accountant worked on that. If it had been me wouldn’t paid that neither. Reason? Why keep paying a corrupt Government. If every able tax payer in this nation said I ain’t paying no more until YOU fix YOUR acts up in DC, I guarantee you your next plate of crawdad that them Yankee politicians would straighten up pronto.

Oh sure they could threaten to lock us all up, But there ain’t no prison that big. Two they could call out the National Guard and shit to shoot us for treason, guess what we done already treasoned. Its not that we don’t love this nation, we do. Infact its us as Confederates, that love the nation the most. I love going riding on my bike on the back roads of Hazzard, and out on Bell Rapids. Seeing the Jackalope, the rabbits, and the antelopes all out there. There is something about being up there on a early dust morning, as the sun crests the mountains, those pipe heads spreading water over green lush fields. That’s what us Confederates are preserving. and the rights of us who love this nation.

By saying piss on you IRS, putting that money into feeding the hungry, putting that money to housing the homeless and low income, spending that money to help a veteran, find food, home and a job of some sort,. Direct, not give it to the fucking VA or some dumbass organization that demands a pedigree from DoD to help you, but all Veterans, especially families of Confederate Veterans, both from the war of the states, as well as those who went over the big ditch, I say lets help ourselves. I say and in agreement the Knytes pledge to not pay IRS taxes for 2014. That means IRS you ain’t getting none monies from 150,000 people this year. Anybody want to join us?

At 14:30 that’s wuzz up here at the Wolf’s Lair.

L8R Ya’ll

hh toew tymez hedderCLUB M,E

Quote of the Day:
Everything that lives, Lives not alone, nor for itself.
--William Blake
Amos 5:14-15“Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.”

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946734_10200757185752132_1261886901_n big bye


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